Jan3010 Indoor Hobbies for Beating the Winter Blues
The dog days of winter are officially upon us – those often dreary months when the “winter wonderland” we walked through in December now feels a bit more like a tundra, and the promise of May flowers (or even April showers) seems forever away. When days are impossibly short and the weather is sometimes impossibly cold, it’s easy to find yourself stuck in a monotonous routine that can feel like treading water until the ground thaws.
But fear not! There are lots of great indoor hobbies that can make these tedious winter months more fun and

1) Go On A Documentary Binge: Choose a topic or historical event of interest to you, and odds are you’ll find a documentary to match. If you’re not sure where to start, a quick online search of “top documentaries” will give you plenty of lists to consider. And whether you end up captivated, angry, awed, or delighted, you’ll probably learn something (which is more than can be said for most ‘reality’ tv).
2) Get Creative in the Kitchen (or for some of us…simply get in the kitchen): Cooking is one of those things that is a deep-level passion for some and something to be avoided at all costs for others. But no matter which camp you fall into, winter is a perfect time to get in the kitchen and try a new recipe or two. Perhaps you’ll discover a newfound passion for baking (and your family is sure to enjoy the spoils. After all, even most #Pinterestfail desserts still taste delicious…). Or maybe a hearty winter soup sounds more interesting to try? And if your creativity ends up burning, scorching, or melting all over your pots and pans, S.O.S® Soap Pads have you covered: Just wet the pad, scrub, rinse… and bring on the next attempt!
3) Puzzle it Out: Doing a puzzle can be oddly therapeutic…and addicting. From pop culture pictures to scenic landscapes, there are designs for every taste. This is a fun project to tackle as a family, too. You might want to clear off an un-used table and designate it as the official puzzle area, as most complicated puzzles won’t be completed in one sitting. But whether you have 5 minutes or 2 hours, this is an activity that most people will enjoy.

4) Stretch Yourself: We don’t mean stretch in the metaphorical “going outside your comfort zone” sense (although can be good, too), but quite literally stretching and moving your body. Establishing a daily stretching routine, whether via yoga or Pilates or some other plan will almost certainly pay positive dividends in the form of how you feel and how you move about your day. Already have a stretching or workout plan you like? Then stretch yourself by setting and working toward a new fitness goal! Working toward more reps, heavier weights, your first 5K, or simply adding more minutes to your regular workout are example goals to consider. (Be sure to consult your physician or other health care professional before starting a new fitness program)
5) Scrapbook: Scrapbooking is a hobby that can be enjoyed now and years down the line, as the time spent selecting photos, backgrounds, and graphics creates a lifelong keepsake in the end. You might want to consider starting small: a special event or vacation is an easier starting point than say, your child’s 1st year of life. Invest in a small assortment of themed paper and stickers as opposed to diving into expensive scrapbook sets until you’re sure it’s a hobby you enjoy.
6) Write letters: A

7) Learn to Sew: Some would argue that sewing is becoming a lost art. It seems many of us now turn to a professional tailor (or our mom) when things need mending or altering. But the satisfaction of creating a beautiful homemade quilt, or even an expertly-repaired clothing tear, is undeniable. Online sewing classes are readily available (some for free!), with step-by-step guidance for those at every skill level.
8) Gear up for gardening: It may not feel like it, but spring WILL arrive eventually. Why not use this time to plan a summer garden? If you’ve never had a garden, first consider your options for the best place to plant one. Then head to the library or go online to research and plan what type of flowers or vegetables you’d like to plant. You can also get a jump on spring gardening prep work by cleaning up your garden tools, pots, and planters. Just grab an S.O.S® Soap Pad and any rust, dirt, or grime will be gone in no time!
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10) Read: Always a perfect winter activity go-to! Whether you fancy murder mysteries, sci-fi, political thrillers or sentimental romance novels, getting lost in a good book is still one of life’s great pleasures. And if you’ve got children or grandchildren at home? An added bonus is the positive influence it will have on their attitude towards reading!

What are your favorite winter hobbies? Let us know in the comments below or on the S.O.S Facebook page. And don’t forget to follow us on Facebook, Pinterest
Excellent suggestions!!!
I embrace ALL of them plus crochet, journaling n music
If you collect sea shells, winter time is the best time to clean and organise your shells. You can also make those cute things you have seen in craft shows.
Or plan your next beach (for shells) or river (for fossils) trip.
Make lap blankets for nursing homes or baby blankets for little ones-no sewing involved! Use 2 pieces of soft, washable fabric the same size-you choose, big or small. Make sure edges meet, you may want to pin them. With very sharp scissors cut 5in. strips 2in. apart all the way around the cloth. Now go back and tie the top strips to the bottom strips. The corners are a little tricky, but if you have to tie two strips together to make it fit it’s ok. Don’t tie your strips too tight on your first blanket because you may have to go back and redo some if your cloth has a pattern. Tying over one time and under another will make a different pattern. You may also have to stretch the cloth between your ties to make it lie flat, Then you can go back and tighten your ties. Have fun!!NAS3141
The tie blankets are a great idea & fun to do with kids old enough to tie 2!
Love puzzles and have been getting back into reading as of late. Great suggestions.
I am hooked on paint with diamonds it is very relaxing I love it
I have been reading enormous amounts of books since I moved here. (7) years ago. It is my hobby of choice.
Morning devotional and Bible reading is a great start to each day!
cross, -stitching and jigsaw puzzles
I love crafts of all kinds; sewing, making hair barrettes for my granddaughters, floral arrangements and making seasonal wreaths, making jewelry and especially earrings, making bread and rolls from scratch without a machine, crocheting baby blankets and caps, making lap blankets for the elderly, and my passion is reading my Bible and novels. I also have a passion for growing herbs indoors and cooking with them.
I love to read. I have the kindle app on my phone since I carry my phone everywhere.
I volunteer on the polar express in the winter,dress up as an elf or chef and magic come alive for children and families.So much fun.parks also need volunteers for winter time. So do hospitals You will get a loving warm feeling making others happy and you will enjoy it.
I love reading, crocheting prayer shawls for shut ins through my church
Cricut crafts, bible journaling and attending ceramic class at my senior activity center. Love to stay busy.
Find your inter artist.
Knit, crochet, sew or read. Right now because of our snowy winters and road salt/ice bite I am sewing dog booties for all sizes of fur babies. Paw pads are burned by salt. From tiny to xtra large they are easy, fast, and so appreciated. (Fleece, leather or suede rems, and self stick velcro-viola)
I crochet scarves and hats to be distributed to those in need…vets, homeless, school kids, etc. The other ideas mentioned are all good. Drawing or crafts are helpful. Find out what hobbies your kids might like to try. Make a new Christmas ornament every year. There are many ideas on Pinterest for people of all ages. Keep craft and art supplies on hand so when the kids need something to do they can be creative! It helps if they see a parent being creative too.